
Committed to Financial well-being of its clients.


The term financial planning is defined as the process of evaluating an individual’s current financial status and coming up with an effective strategy to meet the life goals. These life goals vary from an individual to another. In order to accomplish these goals it is important for an individual to follow a series of specific steps.

There are various different goals which everyone thinks of. One should think of only those goals which are achievable. The 5 most important steps involved in financial planning process which will help you achieve your financial goals and realize Financial Freedom are as below:

  •  Establish your Goals and Objectives: First step towards financial planning process is to set the financial goal. Where you will have to analyse your short-term financial goals and long-term financial goals along with the objective and time-frame to achieve those goals. It’s a long and time consuming process. Your personal goals cannot be set by financial planner. This is the financial planning process which you will have to analyse for yourself.
  •  Develop a Strategy to meet your Goals:strong> Next step towards financial planning process is to draft the financial planning strategy or road map to achieve your goals. Here you can take the advice from financial planner or financial consultant to develop a strategy for your financial plan. While developing strategy, you will go through various investment opportunities available in the market. Take some time to study various investment options which best fit to your requirement.
  •  Gather and Analyse Information: Once you have selected set of investment options as per your requirement. Next step is to gather information about those investment and perform some analyse on the data. There are various online tools to analyse investment options based on past historical data.
  •  Draft and Implement your Plan: Once you have gathered required information and selected investment option, the next thing in personal financial planning process is to prepare a systematic investment plan and draft an implementation plan. This is one of the important steps in your financial plan.
  •  Review your Goals and Market Situation: Most investments are selected on the basis of their past performances. It is assumed that the investment option selected will perform in the same way in the future. But there are times when its future performance diverges from the past performance. So the next step in personal financial planning process is to keep monitoring your capital investment. Reviewing your goals and market situation will assist you in whether to stay invested or to look after other investment opportunities.

People with immeasurable wealth, who are uncertain of its consumption, require a financial plan, right? You will be amazed to know that a comprehensive financial plan is beneficial for people of all income levels, studies have proven it.

The advances in medical sciences and technologies have increased the life expectancy to 70 or 80 years but most people today start saving only after reaching 30 years and want to retire at the age of 50. This means they have roughly around 30 years of retired life with growing prices and medical expenses. Few decades back this was not considered as high important topic but now a day’s financial planning has become necessity of your life.

I believe that answers your, “why do I need financial planning?” If not, then let’s read you through benefits of financial planning and also understand the importance of financial planning.

The perks of having a sound financial plan grow on you.

  •  For starters you’ll have the very precise and apt idea of your monetary flow and your investments, if or not the investment will be fruitful in long run. Financial plans give composition and direction to an individual’s financial decisions.
  •  A financial planner will present you information about how to use the one hundred per cent of your savings for a really long time. You can use the money for your child’s education, for your daughter’s wedding, for buying a new car and still have plenty of money left to sustain your coming years.
  •  Peace of mind is yet another benefit and which tops almost everyone’s list. The sense of accomplishment you feel when you reach your long range goals and you look back in retrospect and acknowledge all the remarkable and powerful benefits you’ve gained because of an effectively managed financial plan.
  •  Keeping in mind that financial planning is a continuous life-long process, you save much of your precious time, energy and money by engaging a good financial planner.

Here are some of the powerful reasons why financial planning is important.

  • Financial planning will help you to manage your income more effectively: You can draft your monthly budget through managing your cash flow expenses, taxes, shopping or any other expenses. This will help you to plan your savings more effectively.
  •  Capital Investment: An increase in salary or business income will increase your capital balance. This will give you freedom to explore various investment opportunities where you can gain higher rate or returns as well as diversify your investment portfolio to reduce the risk and link it to your financial goals.
  •  Financial Stability and Family Security: A financial plan when fully executed will provide your family adequate financial security which is very important part of a financial planning process. This includes insurance coverage, health protection, medical insurance, house protection insurance, etc. and will provide you a peace of mind for everyone.
  •  Standard of Living: Systematic savings for a long term will lead to create good amount of wealth. Once your drafted financial plan is placed properly then you need not to work for creating wealth. Wealth will be created automatically from the wealth saved and invested. Once you have financial freedom, you can enjoy better standard of living for rest of your life.
  •  Asset Creation: Once your financial plan is in place and you have executed it, then definitely you will be successful in creating reasonable wealth in your life. After a long time when you look back, you will notice that your Life has become much more meaningful and happier because of financial planning.
  • It is said that as early you start investing as early you can start enjoying your retirement. Financial planning is important in everyone’s life. So keep learning, keep saving, keep investing with us and enjoy your financial freedom for rest of your life. Best of Luck!

We provide a wide range of Fee-based Financial Planning Solutions to meet the needs of most Indian families and also fit their pockets.

Based on our many years of experience in financial planning and extensive research, we have designed various packages/solutions which have proven to be highly effective to all our clients spread across the globe. They are:

  •  Single Goal-Based Financial Planning Solution – For young Individuals who have just started earning.
  •  Basic Financial Planning Solution – For young Couples with/without kids.
  •  Comprehensive Financial Planning Solution – For middle-aged couples with school/college going children.
  •  Golden Years Financial Planning Solution– For nearing retirement/just retired couples.

Our Comprehensive Financial Planning Solution covers the following:

  •  Cash flow analysis
  •  Net worth analysis.
  •  Financial risk appetite.
  •  Emergency funding strategy.
  •  Life and health insurance adequacy analysis.
  •  Goal based investment planning.
  •  Retirement planning.
  •  Actions towards fulfilling goals.
  •  Detailed analysis of your investment Portfolio.

Since inception, we at Adyanta have been striving for innovation keeping in mind the changing needs of Indian families with technology as the key driver.

Recently, we have introduced pocket friendly Online Financial Planning Solutions for the tech-savvy and progressive Indian families who are:

 Residing outside Mumbai where are unable to reach physically but are interconnected through internet and mobile.

 Residing in Mumbai but are less affluent and in need of pocket-friendly financial planning solutions.

These innovative Solutions are a perfect blend of technology, professional expertise and human touch and have been named as:

  •  Udaan – Single- Goal based Online Financial Solution.
  •  Swabhimaan – Basic Online Financial Planning Solution.  Click here for Brochure
  •  Saatwan Asmaan – Comprehensive Online Financial Planning Solution

For a free financial Health check up or to receive a free Sample Financial plan please feel free to Contact us..


We specialize in conducting educational workshops/seminars largely for the employees of corporate organizations.

Many organizations today are organizing such workshops for their employees as a part of their Employee Benefit Programs mostly initiated by their Human

Resource / Learning & Development Teams.

We have so far conducted over 150 educational workshops/seminars across Mumbai and Pune covering over 5000 people.

The FREE educational seminars range from 45 to 120 minutes, and cover various topics ranging from financial planning to wealth management.

We can also conduct tailor-made Financial Planning/ Wealth Management Workshops/ Seminars for Corporates/PSUs as per their organization needs We have also been providing regular Help-Desk Services to some of the most reputed corporates & PSUs based in Mumbai for their employees. These Help-Desks offer:

  •  Financial Health Check-Ups & Complimentary Consultations
  •  Income Tax-Consultation and Solutions for Tax-Savings.
  •  Unbiased Advise for Investments in various Financial Products.
  •  Wide range of Financial Products & Solutions.

Financial Planning Workshops/Seminars

In case if you would like to conduct a Free Financial Planning Workshop/Seminar or arrange a Help-Desk for your employees in Mumbai, please feel to Contact us.